Shikor V'lo Meyayin - Israel

Choreographed by Barry Avidan - 1999

Circle dance, arms in V-position, hands held wherever possible. Meter 4/4

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-4 Step on R foot to R (1), close L foot to R foot (2), step on R foot to R (3), hop on R foot (4)
2 1-4 Step on L foot across R foot, turning to face diagonally R (1), hop on L foot, turning to face center (2), step on R foot across L foot (3), step on L foot to L, turning to face LOD (4).
3 1-4 Step backwards on R foot (1), hop on R foot (2), step backwards on L foot (3), hop on L foot (4).
4 1-4 Step backwards on R foot (1), turning to face center, step on L foot to L (2), step on R foot across L foot (3), hop on R foot (4).
5-8 Repeat measures 1-4 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
Part II
1 1-4 Facing center, step forward on R foot (1), hop on R foot (2), step forward on L foot (3), hop on L foot (4).
2 1-4 Jump off of L foot, landing on both feet with R foot across L foot (1), jump, landing with feet apart (2), jump, landing with feet together (3), jump, landing on R foot (4).
3 1-4 Step backwards on L foot (1), hop on L foot (2), step backwards on R foot (3), hop on R foot (4).
4 1-4 Make complete three-step turn to the L, starting on L foot (1-3), hop on L foot (4).
5 1-4 Step on R foot across L foot (1), step on L foot in place (2), hop on L foot (3), step on R foot to R (4).
6 Repeat measure 5 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
7 1-4 Step on R foot to R, leaning to R (1), make complete three-step turn to L, starting on L foot and leaning to L on count 4 (2-4).
8 1-4 Make complete three-step turn to R (1-3), step on L foot across R foot (4).
9 1-4 Step on R foot to R, pivoting to face out of circle (3), step on L foot to L, turning to face LOD (2), run forward on R foot (3), run forward on L foot (4).
Repeat Part I
Repeat Part II, measures 1-8
Part III
1 1-4 Facing center, step on R foot to R, leaning to R with L leg sticking out to L (1), hop on R foot (2), hop on R foot again (3), step on L foot behind R foot (4).
2 1-4 Step on R foot to R (1), step on L foot across R foot (2), hop on L foot with R leg sticking out to R (3), hop on L foot again (4).
3 1-4 Make complete three-step turn to R (1-3), step on L foot across R foot (4).
4 1-4 Step on R foot slightly to R (1), step backwards on L foot (2), close R foot to L foot (3), step forward on R foot (4).
5 1-4 Run forward on R foot (1), run forward on L foot (2), run forward on R foot (3), run forward on L foot (4).
6 1-4 Jump off of L foot, landing on both feet with R foot across L foot (1), jump, landing with feet apart (2), jump, landing with feet together (3), jump, landing on L foot (4).
7 1-4 Run backwards on R foot (1), run backwards on L foot (2), run backwards on R foot (3), hop on R foot, sticking L leg slightly out to L (4).
8 Repeat measure 7 with opposite footwork.
9-16 Repeat measures 1-8.

The dance is done three times. After the third time through, Part III is repeated with the music starting out slower than normal, and gradually speeding up to incredibly fast.

Bob Shapiro
(785) 286-0761
Copyright © 2002, Robert B. Shapiro