Kucata (Also known as Pandalash)- Bulgaria

Line dance, starts in V-Position, meter 7/8, counted as QQS

There is an eight measure introduction before the entrance step is done. This step is only done at the beginning of the dance. The rest of the steps are leader called.

Measure Count Step
Entrance Step
1 QQS Facing LOD, lift slightly on L foot and touch R heel forward (Q), step onto R foot, bending the knee (Q), step forward onto L foot. (S)
2-7 Repeat measure 1.
8 QQS Stamp lightly, taking weight on R(Q), L (Q), R (S).
Basic Step
1 QQS Still facing LOD, lift slightly on R foot (Q), step forward on L foot (Q) step forward on R foot. During this, the hands swing backwards on the first Q and forwards on the following QS
2-4 Repeat measure 1. On the last beat of measure 4, turn to face center.
5 QQS Stamp lightly on L foot, without taking weight, and raise arms to W-position (Q), hold (QS)
6 QQS Moving in RLOD, step on L foot to L (QQ), step on R foot in front of L foot (S).
7 QQS Step on L foot to L (QQ), step on R foot behind L foot (S). During the last QS, lower hands to V-position.
8 QQS Step on L foot to L (QQ), stamp R foot next to L (S). During this measure, raise hands back to W-position.
Scuff Step
1 QQS Still facing LOD, lift slightly on R foot (Q), step forward on L foot (Q) step forward on R foot. During this, the hands swing backwards on the first Q and forwards on the following QS
2-4 Repeat measure 1. On the last beat of measure 4, turn to face center.
5 QQS Stamp lightly on L foot, without taking weight, and raise arms to W-position (Q), hold (QS)
6 QQS Make a small leap onto the L foot, while turning to the L and raising the R foot behind, with the knee bent. At the same time, raise the elbows backward while lowering the hands slightly. (Q), Scuff the R heel next to the L foot, (Q), step forward onto R foot (S). During these two beats, push the hands forward to full extension.
7 QQS Turn to face center and step on L foot to L (QQ), step on R foot behind L foot (S). During the last QS, lower hands to V-position.
8 QQS Step on L foot to L (QQ), stamp R foot next to L (S). During this measure, raise hands back to W-position.
Bounce Step
1 QQS Facing center, touch R toe to R and bounce (Q), bounce (Q), step on R across L foot.
2 Repeat measure 1 with opposite footwork.
3-4 Repeat measures 1-2
5 QQS Stamp lightly, taking weight, on R foot (Q), L foot (Q), R foot (S).
6 QQS Make a small leap onto the L foot, while turning to the L and raising the R foot behind, with the knee bent. At the same time, raise the elbows backward while lowering the hands slightly. (Q), Scuff the R heel next to the L foot, (Q), step forward onto R foot (S). During these two beats, push the hands forward to full extension.
7 QQS Turn to face center and step on L foot to L (QQ), step on R foot behind L foot (S). During the last QS, lower hands to V-position.
8 QQS Step on L foot to L (QQ), stamp R foot next to L (S). During this measure, raise hands back to W-position.
Grapevine Step
1 QQS Facing center and making small leaps, leap on R foot to R (QQ), onto L foot across R foot (S).
2 QQS Repeat measure 1, but on S beat, leap onto L foot behind R foot.
3-4 Repeat measures 1-2
5 QQS Jump, ending with feet apart (QQ), jump ending with feet together (S)
6 QQS Make a small leap onto the L foot, while turning to the L and raising the R foot behind, with the knee bent. At the same time, raise the elbows backward while lowering the hands slightly. (Q), Scuff the R heel next to the L foot, (Q), step forward onto R foot (S). During these two beats, push the hands forward to full extension.
7 QQS Turn to face center and step on L foot to L (QQ), step on R foot behind L foot (S). During the last QS, lower hands to V-position.
8 QQS Step on L foot to L (QQ), stamp R foot next to L (S). During this measure, raise hands back to W-position.
Pause Step
1 QQS Still facing LOD, lift slightly on R foot (Q), step forward on L foot (Q) step forward on R foot. During this, the hands swing backwards on the first Q and forwards on the following QS
2-3 Repeat measure 1, but on S beat of measure 3, leap onto R foot and turn to face center, while bringing L foot up in back with the knee bent. Also, on the slow beat, extend arms straight up.
4 QQS Step on L foot behind R with weight on balls of both feet and bend knees, and bring arms into W-position (Q), hold (Q), take weight on R foot, while bringing the arms down into V-position (S).
5-8 Repeat measures 1-4

Bob Shapiro
(785) 286-0761
URL: http://www.folkdancenotes.com/