Ižele - Romania

Introduced by Eugenia Popesu-Judetz

Line dance, arms in V-position. Meter 2/4

This dance uses the following step

Step on R foot across L foot (1)
Step on L foot to L (&)
Step on R foot behind L foot (2)
Step on L foot to L (&)

Measure Count Step
Part I
1-7 Do seven grapevines.
8 1-2 Step on R foot across L foot (1), step on L foot in place (&), step on R foot next to L foot (2), hold (&).
9-16 Repeat measures 1-8 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
Part II
1 1-2 Step on R foot in front of L foot (1), step on L foot in place (&), step on R foot to R (2), step on L foot in front of R foot (&).
2 1-2 Step on R foot in place (1), step on L foot to L (&), step on R foot in front of L foot (2), step on L foot in place (&).
3 1-2 Step on R foot to R (1), step on L foot in front of R foot (&), step on R foot in place (2), step on L foot to L (&).
4-6 Repeat measures 1-3
7 Repeat measure 1.
8 1-2 Step on R foot in front of L foot (1), step on L foot in place (&), step on R foot next to L foot (2), hold (&)
9-16 Repeat measures 1-8 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.

Bob Shapiro
(785) 286-0761
Copyright © 2003, Robert B. Shapiro
URL: http://www.folkdancenotes.com/